July 11, 2024
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History of the EUR to INR rate over the last 25 years

Understanding the history of the Euro to Indian Rupee (INR) exchange rate is essential for anyone engaged in foreign exchange transactions between Europe and India. Whether you're a student planning to study abroad, a business professional managing cross-border trades, or a traveler exploring new destinations, the fluctuations in the Euro-INR rate can significantly impact your financial planning and decisions. In this blog, we will delve into the history of the Euro-INR rate, explore the factors influencing these fluctuations, and discuss the role of forex exchange providers in helping you navigate these changes effectively.

            EUR to INR Line Graph                

Introduction to the Euro and Indian Rupee

The Euro (EUR) is the official currency of the Eurozone, which as of today, is the official currency of 20 out of 27 EU member countries which together constitute the Eurozone, officially called the euro area. It was introduced in 1999 as an electronic currency and began circulating in 2002. The Indian Rupee (INR), on the other hand, is the official currency of India and has a long history dating back to ancient times. The exchange rate between the Euro and the Indian Rupee is a crucial economic indicator, reflecting the economic health, trade balance, and monetary policies of both regions.

Historical Overview of the Euro-INR Rate
EUR to INR Rates
Year EUR to INR Year EUR to INR
1999 50.73 2012 68.6
2000 45.32 2013 77.93
2001 42.25 2014 81.04
2002 45.92 2015 71.02
2003 52.61 2016 74.37
2004 56.3 2017 73.53
2005 54.81 2018 80.07
2006 56.84 2019 78.84
2007 56.42 2020 84.64
2008 63.61 2021 87.44
2009 67.36 2022 82.72
2010 60.59 2023 89.2
2011 64.89 2024 as of 5th July’24 90.47

EUR to INR history over last 25 years

Part I: 1999-2012

Introduction of the Euro | 1999

When the Euro was introduced in 1999, the Euro-INR rate was around 50 INR per Euro. This period was marked by the transition of many European countries from their national currencies to the Euro, which created some initial volatility. The Euro’s value against the Rupee was influenced by the economic performance of the newly formed Eurozone and the confidence of international investors in the stability of this new currency.

Euro Logo

Period of Strengthening | 2003-2008

During the early 2000s, the Euro appreciated against the Indian Rupee, reaching a peak of around 70 INR per Euro in 2008. This strengthening was driven by the robust economic growth of the Eurozone countries and the relative stability of the Euro compared to other global currencies. At the same time, India was experiencing rapid economic growth, but the Rupee depreciated from 52.61 in 2003 to 63.61 in 2008 against the Euro due to factors such as high inflation and a growing trade deficit.

Global Financial Crisis | 2008- 2009

The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 had a significant impact on the Euro-INR exchange rate. The World Economy had hit its greatest downfall during 2007-08 followed by many probable causes such as lack of Government oversight; reckless borrowing by consumers and financial institutions’ predatory lending and unscrupulous bundling and selling of mortgage-‐backed securities. During this period, the Indian export and net trade followed a substantial increase partly due to depreciation of Indian rupee vis-a-vis US$. The agrarian nature of the country avoids the high cost India would have suffered due to Financial Crises. Meanwhile, the European Union was directly impacted by the global crises. 

Global Financial Crisis

Eurozone Debt Crisis | 2009-2012

The subsequent Eurozone debt crisis, which began in 2009, further weakened the Euro. The European Sovereign Debt Crisis, which began in 2009, is well-known for its origins in the financial troubles of multiple European countries, triggered by substantial government debt and institutional shortcomings. Greece's debt reached 113% of GDP, nearly double the Eurozone's 60% limit, marking the start of widespread economic instability caused by excessive deficit spending across Europe (Corporate Finance Institution). The Euro depreciated against the Rupee, falling to around 60 INR per Euro in 2010. Countries like Greece, Ireland, and Portugal faced severe financial distress, raising concerns about the stability of the Eurozone. This period saw increased volatility in the Euro-INR rate, with the Euro trading between 60 and 70 INR.

Part II: 2013-2024

Indian Rupee Crisis | 2013

India faced a currency crisis in 2013, known as the "Indian Rupee Crisis," triggered by several factors including a significant current account deficit, high inflation, and political uncertainty. The large current account deficit in 2013 meant that India was importing more goods and services than it was exporting, increasing the demand for foreign currency and putting downward pressure on the rupee. As a result of the 2013 Indian rupee crisis, the rupee depreciated sharply against major currencies like the US dollar and Euro. For instance, the EUR to INR exchange rate rose significantly from 68.6 in 2012 to 77.93 in 2013.

Brexit | 2016

The United Kingdom, though part of the EU,  wasn't inclined to adopt the Euro since it did not meet five critical tests that would have been necessary to adopt its use as per the UK Government. The Brexit referendum was conducted to ask the electorate whether the UK should continue its membership with the EU or leave of which 51.89% voted in favor of leaving the EU. This only resulted in the downfall of the UK pound; the pound fell steadily against the dollar during the exit process, sliding over 23% from $1.44 on the eve of the June 2016 Brexit referendum. In the process, Euro gained more power and appreciated to 74.37 per INR in 2016.

Euro notes of various denominations

Recovery and Stabilization | 2016- 18

The Euro started to recover as the Eurozone implemented measures to address the debt crisis and stimulate economic growth. The Euro-INR rate stabilized, ranging between 70 and 80 INR per Euro. During this period, India also took steps to strengthen its economy, including reforms to attract foreign investment and control inflation. These efforts helped to stabilize the Rupee, although it remained relatively weak compared to the Euro.

COVID- 19 | 2019-21

In recent years, the Euro-INR rate has fluctuated between 80 and 90 INR per Euro, influenced by various global and domestic factors. By the end of 2019 COVID-19 pandemic had started. It caused a profound impact on both the Eurozone and Indian economies, causing significant volatility in the exchange rate. The Euro appreciated against the Rupee during the early stages of the pandemic, reaching a peak of around 90 INR per Euro in 2020. This appreciation was driven by the relative strength of the Eurozone's economic response to the pandemic compared to India's initial struggles.

Euro Weakens | 2022

The year 2022 proved to be tumultuous for the euro, characterized by its "worst year in history." Starting the year at $1.137, the EUR/USD exchange rate fell below parity for the first time in two decades in July, hitting a 20-year low, coinciding with the Nord Stream 1 pipeline's indefinite shutdown.

In January 2023, the CfM-CEPR survey queried its European panel on the euro's depreciation against the dollar in 2022. A majority of 56% of respondents attributed the euro's decline to differences in monetary policy, while nearly 30% pointed to developments in the real economy. The panel overwhelmingly agreed that the ECB should prioritize maintaining price stability rather than responding directly to the euro's devaluation. The INR appreciated to 82.72 from 87.44 in a single year.

Euro under Water

Stabilization | 2023 - Present

After experiencing two consecutive years of depreciation, the euro has shown a strong recovery in 2023, with a notable 3% increase against the dollar. In terms of monetary policy, the European Central Bank (ECB) opted to keep its key interest rates unchanged in December, indicating a potential halt to its tightening cycle. The rate has been rising to 90.47 on July 5, 2024 as per Google Finance. Here's how you you can master your budget in Europe.

Factors Needed to analyse Euro-INR Exchange Rate

Several factors influence the exchange rate between the Euro and the Indian Rupee:

1. Economic Indicators: Key economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation rates, and employment figures significantly impact the Euro-INR rate. Strong economic performance in the Eurozone can lead to a stronger Euro, while robust growth in India can bolster the Rupee.

2. Monetary Policy: The monetary policies of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) play a crucial role in determining the exchange rate. Changes in interest rates, quantitative easing measures, and other monetary policies can influence investor confidence and capital flows, affecting the Euro-INR rate.

3. Trade Balance: The trade balance between the Eurozone and India also impacts the exchange rate. A trade surplus in the Eurozone can lead to a stronger Euro, while a trade deficit in India can weaken the Rupee.

4. Political Stability: Political events and stability in both regions can influence the exchange rate. Political uncertainty or instability can lead to fluctuations as investors seek safer assets.

5. Global Events: Global events such as financial crises, pandemics, and geopolitical tensions can create volatility in the exchange rate. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic led to significant fluctuations in the Euro-INR rate due to its impact on global economies.

Boat made up of Euro Bill

The Role of Forex Exchange Providers

Forex exchange providers play a crucial role in helping individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of the Euro-INR exchange rate. As a RBI authorised Forex provider, we offer several advantages to our clients:

1. Competitive Exchange Rates: We provide competitive exchange rates that help you get the most value for your money when converting between Euros and Indian Rupees.

2. Expert Guidance: Our team of forex experts can provide you with insights and guidance on the best times to exchange currencies, helping you to maximize your financial outcomes.

3. Secure Transactions: We prioritize the security of your transactions, using advanced encryption and security protocols to protect your financial information.

4. Convenient Services: Our user-friendly online platform makes it easy to exchange currencies from the comfort of your home or office, saving you time and effort.


The history of the Euro-INR exchange rate reflects the dynamic nature of global economics and the myriad factors that influence currency values. Understanding these historical trends and the factors at play can help you make informed decisions when engaging in foreign exchange transactions. As a trusted forex exchange provider, we are here to assist you with all your currency exchange needs, offering competitive rates, low fees, and expert guidance. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you navigate the complexities of the Euro-INR exchange rate with confidence.

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