June 26, 2024
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Everything You Need to Know About UTR Numbers and How to Track Them

Transferring money within India, you might have come across the term "UTR number." But what exactly is it, and why is it important? In this blog, we'll dive into the meaning of a UTR number, its significance, and how to track it. Whether you're a student sending money home from Delhi to Gujarat or a traveler managing financial transactions on a dream trip to the Bengal sea shore, understanding the UTR number is crucial.

What is a UTR Number?

UTR or Unique Transaction Reference number is a unique identifier assigned to every financial transaction in certain systems, particularly in the context of bank transfers in India. This number helps in tracking and referencing a specific transaction across various banking systems and platforms. It is generally a 22-character code generated by banks for any RTGS (Real-Time Gross Settlement) or NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) transaction. This code is essential for identifying and tracking transactions, making it easier for both banks and customers to resolve any issues that may arise.

Representation of paspasswords UTR are encoded for transactions


The UTR number is essential in any kind of transaction as if serves to the proof of payment as well as helps you to keep track of the transactions made

Tracking Transactions:

The UTR number serves as a unique identifier for each financial transaction. It allows both the sender and the recipient to track the status of the transaction in real-time. This tracking capability is crucial for individuals and businesses to monitor the progress of payments and ensure that they reach the intended recipient without delay.

Resolving Issues:

In the event of any discrepancies or issues with a transaction,  Banks and financial institutions use the UTR number to quickly locate the transaction details within their systems. Speeding up the resolution process UTR ensures  that any problems whether delayed or failed payments are addressed promptly.

Proof of Payment:

One of the primary functions of the UTR number is to serve as definitive proof that a payment has been made. This proof is invaluable for both personal and business transactions, where documentation of financial transfers is essential. It provides assurance to both parties involved that the funds have been successfully transferred from one account to another

Error Resolution:

If there are any errors in the transaction details, the availability of UTR number simplifies the process of identifying and rectifying these issues. The data error in any form; misallocated payment or incorrect beneficiary details, the unique reference provided by the UTR number allows both institutions and customers to quickly trace and correct the error.

Enhanced Security:

By providing a distinct reference point for each transaction the uniqueness of the UTR number reduces the risk of fraud and unauthorized transactions. Banks and financial institutions majorly rely on UTR numbers to verify the authenticity of transactions and ensure that funds are transferred securely between accounts.


The first four characters of either format will be the IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) for the sender bank. You'll also need this IFSC when sending money to India from overseas. 

Format for 16 digit & 22 digit neft rtgs Unique Transaction number

The Unique Transaction Reference (UTR) code serves as a crucial identifier for tracking financial transactions. It is typically generated by banks or financial institutions to uniquely identify each transaction, ensuring transparency and traceability in payments. This alphanumeric code is essential for verifying the completion and status of transfers, providing both senders and recipients with a reliable means to monitor transaction progress. Understanding the significance of the UTR code helps streamline financial processes and ensures secure handling of payments across international and domestic transactions

16-digit UTR Format for an NEFT transfer

  • 4 character IFSC code
  • Single letter/digit that indicates NEFT network
  • Year (2 digits)
  • Julian date of transfer (3 digits)
  • Transaction reference number (6 digits)

Likewise using a table for an NEFT transfer you can decode 14-digit UT. For Eg. In the UTR PUNBH23179004389. It mentions Punjab National Bank, NEFT Network, Sent 27th June 2023 followed by a Unique sequence of 6 digits.

22-digit UTR Format for an RTGS transfer:

  • 4 character IFSC code
  • R (indicates RTGS)
  • Single digit indicating the channel (i.e. ATM, internet, RTGS)
  • The date of transaction as YYYYMMDD
  • 8-digit sequence number

Using the table above we can decode the RTGS transfer. For eg; in the UTR PUNBR92024062700438964. It suggests Punjab National Bank, RTGS network, RTGS channel, Sent 27th June 2024 followed by a Unique sequence of 8 digits.

Password to open the bank account (to login)

Tracking a UTR Number

Knowing how to track a UTR number is crucial for monitoring your transactions. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Check Your Bank Statement

One of the easiest ways to find your UTR number is by checking your bank statement. Every transaction listed in your statement will have a corresponding UTR number. Look for the transaction you want to track, and note the UTR number next to it.

  1. Online Banking Portal

Most banks provide an online banking portal where you can log in and view your transaction history. Here’s how you can track your UTR number online:

  • Access to your bank's online portal and log in using your credentials.
  • Most of the portals follow similar key terms. So navigate to the "Transaction History" or "Account Statement" section.
  • Locate the transaction you want to be tracked, and you'll find the UTR number listed.
  1. Mobile Banking Apps

If you use your bank’s mobile app, tracking your UTR number is just as easy. Follow these steps:

Open the App: Launch your bank’s mobile app and log in.

View Transactions: Go to the "Transactions" or "History" section.

Locate UTR Number: Find the specific transaction and check the details to see the UTR number.

  1. Contact Customer Support

If you're unable to find the UTR number through online or mobile banking, you can always contact your bank's customer support. Provide them with the transaction details, and they will help you locate the UTR number.

  1. Email or SMS Notifications

Many banks send email or SMS notifications for transactions. These notifications usually include the UTR number. Check your messages or email inbox for any notifications related to the transaction.

Very vivid image of online banking system and world with blue framework

Common Issues with UTR Numbers and Solutions

While tracking a UTR number is usually straightforward, you might encounter some issues. Here are common problems and their solutions:

1. UTR Number Not Found

If you can't find the UTR number, double-check your transaction details. Ensure you’re looking at the correct transaction date and amount. If you still can't find it, contact your bank’s customer support for assistance.

2. Transaction Not Completed

If a transaction shows as "pending" or "failed," the UTR number might not be available immediately. Wait for a few hours and check again. If the issue persists, contact your bank for help.

3. Incorrect UTR Number

Ensure that all details provided for the transaction are correct. Incorrect details can lead to failed transactions. Use the UTR number to rectify such issues with your bank. Sometimes, the UTR number might be incorrectly noted. Verify the number from your bank statement or transaction history. If you suspect an error, reach out to your bank for clarification.

4. Delayed Transactions

Sometimes, transactions may be delayed due to technical glitches or processing times. If your transaction is delayed, use the UTR number to follow up with your bank.

5. Missing UTR Number

If you cannot find the UTR number for a transaction, check your email or SMS notifications. Banks often send transaction details, including the UTR number, through these channels.

Key Takeaways

The UTR is not the same as a bank account number or IBAN (the international version of your account number). Even if UTR numbers do start with a 4-character bank code, the UTR identifies a transaction, not an account. 

The UTR is similar in function to a SWIFT code, but whereas SWIFT codes are for sending money internationally from an overseas bank account, a UTR is for transfers within the Indian banking system. 

Simple image of a person standing with banking, it's 2D and very simplistic


Understanding what a UTR number is and how to track it is essential for anyone involved in financial transactions. Whether you're a student sending money for tuition fees, a professional managing business payments, or simply transferring funds, knowing how to handle UTR numbers can make your financial life easier.

Remember, if you ever face issues or have questions about your transactions, don’t hesitate to reach out to your bank’s customer support. They are there to help you navigate any challenges.

As a forex exchange provider, we ensure that all transactions are processed smoothly and securely, adhering to RBI guidelines. If you have any questions or need assistance with your transactions, feel free to contact us. We're here to make your financial journey as seamless as possible.

Stay informed, stay secure, and manage your transactions with confidence!


  • Julian Date Converter


  • HDFC Bank



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